Thursday, February 28, 2008

finally, a picture of me....

I seldom have any pictures of me on here--hard to do that when I'm the one always taking them, but I found this one of me and Doug on Amalia's facebook page. So I stole it! We had been snowshoeing, I think, and then decided to make sweet potatoes.

It was a beautiful sunny day today. I sat outside for at least a half hour sunbathing. Face sunbathing. What a glorious day. One of the great things about never having sun is that when it does decide to show itself, it is heavenly. Totally heavenly. Still on a bit of a high from it.

I think spring is on the way! This after stepping off the path and losing my leg. But still, it's on the way!! Woohoo!!!!


Anonymous said...

What?! Lost your leg? I hope you mean you lost your footing!

We are Benj, Rio, and Neely, said...

:-) Well, let's put it this entire leg disappeared in the snow. Took some effort to get it out, too. It just doesn't look like it's that deep, but man, we've got a lot of snow on the ground!!!

Lots of snow where you are?

Hope you are well!


Anonymous said...

We've had plenty of snow here, but the temperature keeps bouncing around, so a lot of it has melted. I'm getting over a bad cold, but otherwise ok. I was searching the Internet for evidence that alcohol might be good for a cold, but no such luck--alcohol is dehydrating, which is very counterproductive if one is trying to kick a cold. No shots for me :(

We are Benj, Rio, and Neely, said...

That truly is a bummer!!! I always heard a shot of warm whiskey before bed was the way to go. Heck with the evidence. I say if you want a shot, take it. You'll be happier, feel better, and the rest will take care of itself!!!