Tuesday, February 19, 2008

forgot a few things....

I'm going to reconvert the wood shed back into the wood shed this summer. The goats and Flower will have enough room in the old horse barn.

Richard is most probably shooting blanks, as the girls have come into heat again. Maybe that's the best thing for this year. If they do get pregnant, they won't deliver till the middle of summer, and I'm ok with that. More time would be good, and they will probably be healthier if it is warm out.

The geese and ducks are going to be permanently residing off the side of the horse barn where we kept the male turkeys last summer. It will need a little fixing up, but should do fine. They love winter, so I won't have to worry about them at all. Maybe Waddlesworth will actually have some babies this year. Hopefully we could sell them, although her eggs sure do taste great!

Think that's all.....

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