So I haven't been on here much, nor have I taken many pictures. Part of that is because I think my camera might be shot, and then I've been so freaking busy I just haven't thought about taking pictures.
But everything is fine here. The turkeys are now out of the house (yay!!), and are currently in an isolated area in the little chick house. I'll be moving them to their own place in the bigger barn soon. I'm just a bit worried about it still being too cold for them. Maybe later this week? The weather is looking like it will stay in the 50s. Right. That means it might snow!
What else...Lizzy is sitting on 15 eggs now! This morning I went out there and both she and a duck were sitting on the nest! At first I couldn't find the duck and was worried that something had gotten into the barn to have a snack, but nope, there she was, sitting with Lizzy. Lizzy didn't seem too upset, which is pretty awesome. Actually, I think the ducks are sitting on the nest at night, so that's kind of cool. I would really like to see the turkey babies make it. How awesome that would be!
And I think that Hershey might actually be pregnant, too! That's pretty exciting. So if they are pregnant, their due date falls at the same time that I will be leaving to go to a class in Miami! Yikes! Doug and friends might be having a very exciting farm stay! Fingers crossed the girls have their babies before I leave. Just for Doug's sake. On the other hand, how great will it be for me not to have to worry about it and to let Doug take care of it when it happens! That seems wrong somehow, but I'll take if it happens that way!!
So I finally got to meet Doug's family!
Here's a picture of Deb with her new boyfriend, Shady:
And the rest of the family! Michael, Amalia (family, too!), Deb, Doug, and Susan:
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