Originally, yesterday was going to be an ice cream day, as friend Mike Robertson signed me up to receive all the new varieties of Haagan- Dazs coming out this year. Unfortunately, or fortunately, as it turned out, the shipment was delayed. But Amalia and Doug biked out anyway to do some studying. Right. It's quite hopeless to attempt that out here, as I know!
Doug at least was working away until I finally caught the big rooster who has been starting to turn a bit mean. The female chickens are losing feathers on their backs and heads from him always jumping on them, and he went after me the other day. I have known that life would be a bit more peaceful out here without him, but me and butchering aren't great pals, so I've been dreading it. But once I caught him, it had to be then, to the surprise of all of us. Especially Doug and Amalia, who are both vegetarians.
But we all participated, all had our own experiences and interpretations, and it was quite amazing. I would think that it must have been especially crazy for Amalia, who hasn't eaten meat in 6 years, and Doug, who has pretty much been a vegetarian for a year now.
What is really interesting is that, because she participated, Amalia felt like she HAD to eat some of the rooster, like it wasn't really an option. And she did. As did Doug.
Their friends Kim and Aaron stopped by as we were finishing cooking him, and so did Newspaper Dan, who brought ice cream. Doug made an amazing gravy, we had brown rice and cucumbers, and it was just fabulous!
Doug and I trying to look like we know what we're doing with the chicken:
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