finally got her haircut! It was pretty amazing to see. A woman by the name of Colleen came to shear her, and Colleen is not a big woman. By sticking her fingers in Flower's mouth and turning her head toward her rump, Colleen got Flower on her back and starting snipping away. It took a good hour. Flower, at one point, looked like she was taking a nap, but then started to get uncomfortable. Flower is the biggest sheep that Colleen has ever sheared, and said that she should really be bred as she is a fine looking animal and would make for a great mama.Colleen estimates that she weighs over 200#. That makes sense, as I can barely stop Flower when she decides she wants to go anywhere. She throws me around a bit, and I'm pretty strong! I hadn't really thought about getting into the sheep business, but who knows? I do, really. I can't imagine having to butcher sheep.
Next year, I'll be able to do this myself, now that I've seen it done.
Here are some shots that Benj took. Benj and Rio just cracked up the first time they saw her. "She's so skinny!" was the statement of the day.

Oh, and Richard was a total butt. He kept stealing the wool out of the bag and eating it (gross!!!), and then he would nibble at Colleen as she was working on Flower, and then he would bite Flower's head as she was laying on the ground. He just wanted attention, and wouldn't take no for an answer. It really is a shame he didn't get handled as a youngster. He has a great personality and would make a great friend. It's so awesome that we've got the chance to work with Isaac. They certainly have come from great stock!

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