Thursday, December 13, 2007

like months!!

It has seriously been a long time since I worked on the blog, and it's because I forgot the password to the old blog. I'm not exactly sure I told the truth, the whole truth, when I signed up for blogger (I still have a bit of a suspicious mind when it comes to giving information over the web. I'm not a Luddite like Newspaper Dan, just a bit suspicious!!...), and they refuse to give me access to my blog!!! This is a bummer, but ok, I reckon. I'll just start this new one and add links to the old one. Hopefully they'll keep the old one up for a while. I'd really rather not have to type in EVERYTHING from the old site. That would be a bit much!

There's been so much that has gone on since I've last posted that I have no idea where to start. Maybe I'll just hunt for pictures and go from there!

It's nice to be back, and I hope that everyone has been well!



Anonymous said...

You can't access your old blog because of an upgrade blogger went through since then. Your blog would have had to be registered or reregistered through a gmail account in order to stay active.

This is Jill, btw, and I love love love your thanksgiving pictures. Your place looks beautiful, and seeing Diane and your boys after all this time is wonderful.

I'll be blogging again regularly next term for a class (and then some) here:

We are Benj, Rio, and Neely, said...

Hey, girl!!!

How are you???? I hear that you've been busy!!! :-) I will definitely keep an eye out for your blog..

You know, I did the account switcheroo thing, and that's when I had some problems. It's ok, I guess, as this is working out fine, too.

It's what I get for fudging the truth just a bit.....

Take care!!!!