It's really cold out there this morning! Probably the coldest we've had all year, and yet when I woke up this morning, the house was still relatively warm! I just have to do a little house praising thing here. I filled the wood stove before I went to bed, but certainly could have put more wood in there than what I did. I shut everything down as tight as possible so that it would burn fairly slowly, and there were a few coals left in it this morning. By 8:30 I had a wee fire going, and it is starting to warm up more now.
But really, without the wood stove, or my rock wall, I think this place would be absolutely freezing. When I've run the propane furnace before, it would be cold in here within a few minutes of it turning off. Of course, the fact that it has to blow cold air out at the end of each cycle doesn't help any. What are those people thinking? I know, safety and all that.....burning wood for fuel is terrible on the environment, but I have to say, there is nothing like it. And I can keep the house a bit colder because it feels warmer in here--it's a different kind of heat. The "to your bones" kind of heat.
Anyway, eventually, I'd like to get a third insulating layer put in the front windows. That would really make a difference in here.
In the meantime, here's a few pictures from this morning and of all the new snow we've gotten! Even though it's cold, I think I'll have to take Vanna for a snowshoe sometime today!

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