Here's the main log I found from the homestead foundation. In this picture, I have already cut it in half via the chainsaw, which has really been having a rough go of it. It is not doing well at all and the guys at the shop aren't sure why. Bummer. Plus they keep giving me the wrong length chain. What up with that? Anyway, the halves were still so heavy that it was struggle to drag them to the deck! Amazing pcs of hand hewn wood. I'm so happy to be making use of them.
It's hard to see, but the legs of the table are leaning against the cement blogs. They're huge, too!
Starting to put it together:
Here it is, half finished. The dimensions end up being 13 ft by 57 inches. Way too big for the deck, as it turns out. So I'm clearing the area next to the house and will put it there. Was planning on doing that anyway, although not this summer, but, you know, one must go with the flow. It ends up that there is a lot of nice soil over there so I'll plant lots of the tomatoes and peppers there, and make a really cool dining area!
Here's the dining area so far. Rio and I pulled a huge rock out yesterday. Man, it was big, and I could barely move it myself. Between the 2 of us, we at least got it out of the hole. I'll put a few tires to stop erosion right under the little tree and plant some vine veggies in them. That should work out ok. We'll see what it ends up looking like. The wood will all be in the wood shed, so it should look pretty in that area! Sweet!
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