We lost one of the ducks to coyotes the other night. She was sitting on her nest, and although we put a fence around her, I'm betting she got a bit freaked about all the coyotes in the yard and tried to run. Chances are she left the fence area and got taken. It was such a bummer. Now that they got a taste of fresh meat, the coyotes have been continually making their rounds here. They come right in the yard and howl. I put some xmas lights around the barn, and have been leaving the porch light on. No visitors for the last couple of nights. I know there are a lot of hens on nests behind the barn, though, and I'm not too happy thinking they can be taken just like that. I just ordered some special dog fencing that I plan on putting up on the backside of the barn, hoping that it will keep the coyotes away. We'll see. Poor Duck, as Rio called her.

The plant stand outside:

Matt and Marika gave me some cedar posts from Judy's old horse corral she had up, so I built a fence and gate in front of the barn. I'm hoping it will work to keep the chickens away from the garden areas as we start to develop them a bit. We'll see....
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