Another visitor in the house. Not sure who this fellow is....
I'm starting to convert the horse barn into the new goat barn. I've got one side cleaned out here, and have built 3 stalls since. I still have 2 doors to build, and need to finish cleaning out the other side. Not sure what to do with all the stuff in there, though. Yikes. So much moving around. I think it means I'm also going to have to do some more cleaning in the road house to make room for some of this stuff. I don't want it sitting out and getting ruined! We'll see what we come up with. Haven't had much energy this week for working on the barn, but hopefully this coming week will find me with a bit more. It would be really great to get this finished this week. My goal, at least! This will free up so many other projects, like moving all the chickens to where the goats are now, and getting Lizzy and the other turkey hens into the little chicken coop. It also means being able to move Flower and Richard, which will mean the wood shed will become the wood shed again. I need to start making wood for next year or we'll find ourselves a bit on the cold side this winter! We'll just have see what I can get done. I'm thinking cleaning up my diet will really help me out in this regard. You know, it's all pretty interesting!
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