See, I almost electrocuted myself this past weekend. I'm scared of electricity, and it's the one thing I've never done on my own. Not even have I attempted to put in a light fixture. Yep, I'm chicken about electricity. So I find it pretty ironic that I cut the main power cords to the house using bolt cutters. Yep, bolt cutters.
And I didn't die. But only because I'm going to die right on time, and this weekend wasn't right on time. I'm pretty happy about that, really.
It's not like I would have cared, as I'd be dead, but think of the boys! They would have to tell people that their mom died when they were 15 because she cut the power lines to the house with bolt cutters. How embarrassing.
When I had someone out here working on the house in the early days, we talked about those wires sticking up all over the place by the barn. Probably old wires, because if they were the new wires, they wouldn't be sticking out of the ground like that. Well, they weren't old and they had plenty of juice.
What's crazy about the whole thing is that I never felt a thing, and then proceeded to work the rest of the day on the barn--moving and dragging fencing and who knows what else all across those cut wires. See? Right on time.
The cool thing is that now I'm not so afraid of electricity, and I think I am not so afraid of dying. And it might even be easier to accept if someone I don't want to die does. Of course, I'm hoping I don't have to find that out. But I'm 41 and haven't really had to deal with that up close and in person, so it is bound to happen sooner or later.
Unless, of course, my time comes first. It probably won't be due to bolt cutters.
Here's the wires:
Here's the barn cleaned up--well, besides the mountain of manure:
Where I'm putting the Mr. Turkeys until I figure something else out. I think they were scaring the hens in the barn and creating chaos in general. I might have to talk to the boys about 40 lb tough turkey dinner. I'm not sure yet.
The little turkeys not quite so little:
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