Tuesday, July 29, 2008

goat barn continued

I am really getting there on the goat barn. Boy, what a long drawn out process. I have to say that if I didn't have goats or I didn't care too much about them being able to graze, I would never complete this project. I've kind of forgotten how long it takes to do these kinds of things. Since the main part of the house was done, I could work on things little by little and it didn't take forever to see some real change. This seems to be taking a very long time. The good news is that Flower's pen is pretty much completed, although I still have some more stuff to do. She slept in there last night, at least. The problem is that it left poor Richard on his own, and he did a bit of crying over that. Flower cried a bit, too, but at least she could hear the other goats. I've been putting Isaac in with her during the day so they can graze together. We'll see how this system works. So far, I really like it. And Flower will be able to get outside in the winter, too, which she'll love. I don't think she minds the cold at all.

WOohoo! We are getting there. And since I'm not so afraid of electricity, it will be easier to put the fence up. Still not quite sure how to get around the gate. That's my hang up. But what usually happens is I just decide to do something and it ends up working fine. Even if it takes a few tries. Such is life.

Anyway, here's a picture of the right side almost done. I'll take another one today, hopefully, so you can see what it looks like with a door on it.

Where the electric fence will go for the girl goats:

Where the electric fence will go for Flower and Isaac:

Speaking of girl goats:

Junk from the barn I have to find a place for. Man!

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