Monday, April 7, 2008

chicks and turkeys and melting snow!

So, it is getting to be spring time. Of course, the bare ground in some of these pictures might disappear under snow again if we get the snowstorm they are predicting for tomorrow. At least we missed the 22 inches that Marquette got last week. Woohoo, and a big one at that!!

The snow barometer one day, and then the next. It does go fast when it decides to go, doesn't it?

Rio and a little chick:

The turkeys came in Thursday morning. Man, they are so cute. Everyone looked like they were in pretty good shape, and they ate and drank right away. Unfortunately, we lost one on Friday night, and then another yesterday. No idea why, really. They seemed fine one minute, and the next, bam, they were gone.

It's hard enough when they're so cute, but I also can't help thinking that at $10 a pc., that's even more of a loss. Of course, Cinnamon and Paco ate a dozen of Lizzie's almost hatched eggs last summer, and that was quite the loss, too. But this time, we got to see them first. Always makes it harder.

Hopefully Lizzy will want to sit again this year. I'll keep her protected for sure. Try to, at least!

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