The Mr. Turkeys doing their usual strutting. What a riot they are. And they move in such unison. They must practice for absolutely hours!!
The Mr. Turkeys making sure Rio is doing a good job cleaning out one of the chick cages. I was able to move most of the chicks to the little chicken coop on Saturday. What a freaking job that was! But so far everyone is alive and well. They like the space after being in the house for 4 weeks. And I'm just thrilled they aren't in the house anymore!!!
Station and Waddlesworth, also doing their stuff. Waddlesworth has 3 eggs so far, and sits on them at night. We'll see what happens! I love to eat her eggs, but I think she is going to get really depressed if she can't be a mother this year. Someone out there in need of a watchdog? Geese for sale!! And if you get them when they are small, they will totally love you!
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